Saturday, August 31, 2019

Air Pollution Essay

BEIJING — Outdoor air pollution contributed to 1.2 million premature deaths in China in 2010, nearly 40 percent of the global total, according to a new summary of data from a scientific study on leading causes of death worldwide. Figured another way, the researchers said, China’s toll from pollution was the loss of 25 million healthy years of life from the population. The data on which the analysis is based was first presented in the ambitious 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study, which was published in December in The Lancet, a British medical journal. The authors decided to break out numbers for specific countries and present the findings at international conferences. The China statistics were offered at a forum in Beijing on Sunday. â€Å"We have been rolling out the India- and China-specific numbers, as they speak more directly to national leaders than regional numbers,† said Robert O’Keefe, the vice president of the Health Effects Institute, a research organization that is helping to present the study. The organization is partly financed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the global motor vehicle industry. What the researchers called â€Å"ambient particulate matter pollution† was the fourth-leading risk factor for deaths in China in 2010, behind dietary risks, high blood pressure and smoking. Air pollution ranked seventh on the worldwide list of risk factors, contributing to 3.2 million deaths in 2010. By comparison with China, India, which also has densely populated cities grappling with similar levels of pollution, had 620,000 premature deaths in 2010 because of outdoor air pollution, the study found. That was deemed to be the sixth most common killer in South Asia. The study was led by an institute at the University of Washington and several partner universities and institutions, including the World Health Organization. Calculations of premature deaths because of outdoor air pollution are politically threatening in the eyes of some Chinese officials . According to news reports, Chinese officials cut out sections of a 2007 report called â€Å"Cost of Pollution in China† that discussed premature deaths. The report’s authors had concluded that 350,000 to 400,000 people die prematurely in China each  year because of outdoor air pollution. The study was done by the World Bank in cooperation with the Chinese State Environmental Protection Administration, the precursor to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. There have been other estimates of premature deaths because of air pollution. In 2011, the World Health Organization estimated that there were 1.3 million premature deaths in cities worldwide because of outdoor air pollution. Last month, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, based in Paris, warned that â€Å"urban air pollution is set to become the top environmental cause of mortality worldwide by 2050, ahead of dirty water and lack of sanitation.† It estimated that up to 3.6 million people could end up dying prematurely from air pollution each year, mostly in China and India. There has been growing outrage in Chinese cities over what many say are untenable levels of air pollution. Cities across the north hit record levels in January, and official Chinese newspapers ran front-page articles on the surge — what some foreigners call the â€Å"airpocalypse† — despite earlier limits on such discussion by propaganda officials. In February, the State Council, China’s cabinet, announced a timeline for introducing new fuel standards, but state-owned oil and power companies are known to block or ignore environmental policies to save on costs. A study released on Thursday said the growth rate of disclosure of pollution information in 113 Chinese cities had slowed. The groups doing the study, the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, based in Beijing, and the Natural Resources Defense Council, based in Washington, said that â€Å"faced with the current situation of severe air, water and soil pollution, we must make changes to pollution source information disclosure so that information is no longer patchy, out of date and difficult to o btain.† Chinese officials have made some progress in disclosing crucial air pollution statistics. Official news reports have said 74 cities are now required to release data on levels of particulate matter 2.5 micrometers in diameter or smaller, which penetrate the body’s tissues most deeply. For years, Chinese officials had been collecting the data but refusing to release it, until they came under pressure from Chinese who saw that the United States Embassy in Beijing was measuring the levels hourly and posting the data in a Twitter feed, @BeijingAir. Last week, an official Chinese news report said the cost of environmental degradation in China was about $230 billion in 2010, or 3.5  percent of the gross domestic product. The estimate, said to be partial, came from a research institute under the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and was three times the amount in 2004, in local currency terms. It was unclear to what extent those numbers took into account the costs of health care and premature deaths because of pollution. National Park Service Air Pollution – Its Nature, Sources, and Effects Last Updated: 04/09/2014 Summer View, mountains in the distance from Skyline Drive. John F. Mitchell – NPS Volunteer Introduction Air pollution occurs in many forms but can generally be thought of as gaseous and particulate contaminants that are present in the earth’s atmosphere. Gaseous pollutants include sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), hydrogen fluoride (HF), and various gaseous forms of metals. These pollutants are emitted from large stationary sources such as fossil fuel fired power plants, smelters, industrial boilers, petroleum refineries, and manufacturing facilities as well as from area and mobile sources. They are corrosive to various materials which causes damage to cultural resources, can cause injury to ecosystems and organisms, aggravate respiratory diseases, and reduce visibility. Particulates come in both large and small or â€Å"fine† solid forms. Large particulates include substances such as dust, asbestos fibers, and lead. Fine particulates include sulfates (SO4) and nitrates (NO3). Important sources of particulates are power plants, smelters, mining operations, and automobiles. Asbestos and lead affect organisms, while sulfates and nitrates not only cause health problems, but also contribute to acid rain or acid deposition and a reduction in visibility. Particulate matter, a term sometimes used instead of particulates, refers to the mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Toxic air pollutants are a class of chemicals which may  potentially cause health problems in a significant way. The sources of toxic air pollutants include power plants, industries, pesticide application, and contaminated windblown dust. Persistent toxic pollutants, such as mercury, are of particular concern because of their global mobility and ability to accumulate in the food chain. More research is needed to fully understand the fate and effects of mercury and the many other toxic pollutants. Primary pollutants are those that are emitted directly into the air from pollution sources. Secondary pollutants are formed when primary pollutants undergo chemical changes in the atmosphere. Ozone is an example of a secondary pollutant. It is formed when nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are mixed and warmed by sunlight. Ozone (O3) is a major component of what is often referred to as smog. The ozone which is present in the troposphere, or the atmosphere that is close to the ground, should not be confused with beneficial ozone that is located in the stratosphere or upper atmosphere. This beneficial ozone in the stratosphere helps protect the earth from harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. Sources of Air Pollution Stationary and Area Sources A stationary source of air pollution refers to an emission source that does not move, also known as a point source. Stationary sources include factories, power plants, dry cleaners and degreasing operations. The term area source is used to describe many small sources of air pollution located together whose individual emissions may be below thresholds of concern, but whose collective emissions can be significant. Residential wood burners are a good example of a small source, but when combined with many other small sources, they can contribute to local and regional air pollution levels. Area sources can also be thought of as non-point sources, such as construction of housing developments, dry lake beds, and landfills. Mobile Sources A mobile source of air pollution refers to a source that is capable of moving under its own power. In general, mobile sources imply â€Å"on-road† transportation, which includes vehicles such as cars, sport utility vehicles, and buses. In addition, there is also a â€Å"non-road† or â€Å"off-road†Ã‚  category that includes gas-powered lawn tools and mowers, farm and construction equipment, recreational vehicles, boats, planes, and trains. Agricultural Sources Agricultural operations, those that raise animals and grow crops, can generate emissions of gases and particulate matter. For example, animals confined to a barn or restricted area (rather than field grazing), produce large amounts of manure. Manure emits various gases, particularly ammonia into the air. This ammonia can be emitted from the animal houses, manure storage areas, or from the land after the manure is applied. In crop production, the misapplication of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides can potentially result in aerial drift of these materials and harm may be caused. Natural Sources Although industrialization and the use of motor vehicles are overwhelmingly the most significant contributors to air pollution, there are important natural sources of â€Å"pollution† as well. Wildland fires, dust storms, and volcanic activity also contribute gases and particulates to our atmosphere. Unlike the above mentioned sources of air pollution, natural â€Å"air pollution† is not caused by people or their activities. An erupting volcano emits particulate matter and gases; forest and prairie fires can emit large quantities of â€Å"pollutants†; plants and trees naturally emit VOCs which are oxidized and form aerosols that can cause a natural blue haze; and dust storms can create large amounts of particulate matter. Wild animals in their natural habitat are also considered natural sources of â€Å"pollution†. The National Park Service recognizes that each of these sources emits gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere but we regard these as constituents resulting from natural processes. Air Pollution at Shenandoah Sources of air pollution that affect Shenandoah National Park are largely outside of the park. These include industrial facilities located throughout the mid-Atlantic region and the Ohio River Valley as well as urban centers in this same region. Because most areas adjacent to the park are rural and agricultural, it is clear that transport of pollutants from distant  locations is an important element upon which park air quality hinges. Even some agricultural activities, such as ammonia from the poultry industry and pesticides that are applied to adjacent fields, may contribute to air pollution in the park. In-park emission sources are relatively small, but do include motor vehicles, maintenance equipment, small boilers and generators. The relative contribution from the in-park sources is very small compared to other sources. In a July 2002 report describing an emissions inventory for Shenandoah National Park, it was determined that less than 1% of emissions were produced from in-par k sources. How does air pollution move? Air transport is the term used to describe the mechanism by which air pollution moves from an emissions source to a receptor. A source is a location (i.e., smokestack, chimney, exhaust pipe) from which the pollutant emanates and a receptor is the place (i.e., soil, vegetation, waterbodies, human lungs) where the pollutant is deposited. The atmosphere itself is the transporter of pollutants from sources to receptors. If the wind carries the plume of pollution high enough in the air, it may travel for hundreds of miles before being brought to earth. This is known as long-range or long-distance transport. Air Pollution Effects The air is an important component of the natural system of a park in its own right. The presence of pollution in the atmosphere results directly in air quality degradation. Air pollution is also a critical factor affecting the quality of other environmental resources as well as the human-made structures and facilities in the area. Polluted air can and has harmed park resources in a variety of ways depending upon the chemistry of the pollutant, weather and environmental conditions, and the nature or sensitivity of park resources. Examples of this harm include vegetative discoloration and growth disruption from ozone, loss of aquatic species from stream acidification, shifts in nutrient availability from acid deposition, and erosion of building surfaces and rock formations. Air pollution impairs visibility and contributes to climate change. Air pollution can also be detrimental to human health. Shchooltoday Your Cool Facts and Tips on Air Pollution What causes air pollution? Air pollution can result from both human and natural actions. Natural events that pollute the air include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, pollen dispersal, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radioactivity. Pollution from natural occurrences are not very often. Human activities that result in air pollution include: 1. Emissions from industries and manufacturing activities Have you seen a manufacturing company before? You will notice that there are long tubes (called chimneys) erected high into the air, with lots of smoke and fumes coming out of it. Waste incinerators, manufacturing industries and power plants emit high levels of carbon monoxide, organic compounds, and chemicals into the air. This happens almost everywhere that people live. Petroleum refineries also release lots of hydrocarbons into the air. 2. Burning Fossil Fuels After the industrial age, transportation has become a key part of our lives. Cars and heavy duty trucks, trains, shipping vessels and airplanes all burn lots of fossil fuels to work. Emissions from automobile engines contain both primary and secondary pollutants. This is a major cause of pollution, and one that is very difficult to manage. This is because humans rely heavily on vehicles and engines for transporting people, good and services. Fumes from car exhauts contain dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons and particulates. On their own, they cause great harm to people who breath them. Additionally, they react with environmental gases to create further toxic gases. Click here to see the effects 3. Household and Farming Chemicals Crop dusting, fumigating homes, household cleaning products or painting supplies, over the counter insect/pest killers, fertilizer dust emit harmful chemicals into the air and cause pollution. In many case, when we use these chemicals at home or offices with no or little ventilation, we may fall ill if we breathe them. What are the common air pollutants around? Carbon Monoxide (CO) Fuel combustion from vehicles and engines. Reduces the amount of oxygen reaching the body’s organs and tissues; aggravates heart disease, resulting in chest pain and other symptoms. Ground-level Ozone (O3)  Secondary pollutant formed by chemical reaction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and NOx in the presence of sunlight. Decreases lung function and causes respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath, and also makes asthma and other lung diseases get worse. More on Ground Level Ozone Here Lead (Pb) Smelters (metal refineries) and other metal industries; combustion of leaded gasoline in piston engine aircraft; waste incinerators (waste burners), and battery manufacturing. Damages the developing nervous system, resulting in IQ loss and impacts on learning, memory, and behavior in children. Cardiovascular and renal effects in adults and early effects related to anaemia. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Fuel combustion (electric utilities, big industrial boilers, vehicles) and wood burning. Worsens lung diseases leading to respiratory symptoms, increased susceptibility to respiratory infection. Particulate Matter (PM) This is formed through chemical reactions, fuel combustion (e.g., burning coal, wood, diesel), industrial processes, farming (plowing, field burning), and unpaved roads or during road constructions. Short-term exposures can worsen heart or lung diseases and cause respiratory problems. Long-term exposures can cause heart or lung disease and sometimes premature deaths. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) SO2 come from fuel combustion (especially high-sulfur coal); electric utilities and industrial processes as well as and natural occurances like volcanoes. Aggravates asthma and makes breathing difficult.It also contributes to particle formation with associated health effects. What are the effects of air pollution? Acidification: Chemical reactions involving air pollutants can create acidic compounds which can cause harm to vegetation and buildings. Sometimes, when an air pollutant, such as sulfuric acid combines with the water droplets that make up clouds, the water droplets become acidic, forming acid rain. When acid rain falls over an area, it can kill trees and harm animals, fish, and other wildlife. Acid rain destroys the leaves of plants. When acid rain infiltrates into soils, it changes the chemistry of the soil making it unfit for many living things that rely on soil as a habitat or for nutrition. Acid rain also changes the chemistry of the lakes and streams that the rainwater flows into, harming fish and other aquatic life. Eutrophication: Rain can carry and deposit the Nitrogen in some pollutants on rivers and soils. This will adversely affect the nutrients in the soil and water bodies. This can result in algae growth in lakes and water bodies, and make conditions for other living organism harmful. Ground-level ozone: Chemical reactions involving air pollutants create a poisonous gas ozone (O3). Gas Ozone can affect people’s health and can damage vegetation types and some animal life too. Particulate matter:  Air pollutants can be in the form of particulate matter which can be very harmful to our health. The level of effect usually depends on the length of time of exposure, as well the kind and concentration of chemicals and particles exposed to. Short-term effects include irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, and upper respiratory infections such as bronchitis and  pneumonia. Others include headaches, nausea, and allergic reactions. Short-term air pollution can aggravate the medical conditions of individuals with asthma and emphysema. Long-term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys. Continual exposure to air pollution affects the lungs of growing children and may aggravate or compli cate medical conditions in the elderly. Air pollution prevention, monitoring and solution. Solution efforts on pollution is always a big problem. This is why prevention interventions are always a better way of controlling air pollution. These prevention methods can either come from government (laws) or by individual actions. In many big cities, monitoring equipment have been installed at many points in the city. Authorities read them regularly to check the quality of air. Let’s see more below: Government (or community) level prevention Governments throughout the world have already taken action against air pollution by introducing green energy. Some governments are investing in wind energy and solar energy, as well as other renewable energy, to minimize burning of fossil fuels, which cause heavy air pollution. Governments are also forcing companies to be more responsible with their manufacturing activities, so that even though they still cause pollution, they are a lot controlled. Companies are also building more energy efficient cars, which pollute less than before. Individual Level Prevention Encourage your family to use the bus, train or bike when commuting. If we all do this, there will be less cars on road and less fumes. Use energy (light, water, boiler, kettle and fire woods) wisely. This is because lots of fossil fuels are burned to generate electricity, and so if we can cut down the use, we will also cut down the amount of pollution we create. Recycle and re-use things. This will minimize the dependence of producing new things. Remember manufacturing industries create a lot of pollution, so if we can re-use things like shopping plastic bags, clothing, paper and bottles, it can help. Basic Air Pollution Facts Below are some random facts and info on environmental pollution. Air pollutants (dangerous things that make the air unclean)come in the form of gases or particles. In March 2011, a very powerful earthquake in the sea (tsunami) hit the Japan coast. The sea level rose and water came into the land, damaging 4 of the 6 reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. World Health Organisation (WHO) experts confirm that there is slight increased risk of some cancer types for some people who were exposed to the radiation. These included people living in that area and some workers at the plant. Below is a peice of the information given on BBC website: â€Å"The biggest lifetime risks were seen in those exposed as infants, compared with children or adults. For girls exposed to radiation from the accident as infants, the report found a 4% increase above the lifetime expected risk of solid tumours and a 6% increase above that expected for breast cancer. Boys exposed as infants are expected to have a 7% increased risk of leukaemia above that expected in the normal population. The biggest risk was seen in thyroid cancer, which for infant girls could be up to 70% higher than expected over their lifetime.† BBC Website: /news/health-21614722 It is estimated that you breathe 20,000 liters of air each day. This means the more polluted the air is, the more we breathe into our lungs dangerous chemicals. Air can be polluted both indoors and outdoors. Tobacco and other kinds of smoking are examples of indoor air pollution. Sick Building Syndrome is a health condition related to pesticides, insecticides and chemicals we use at home and offices. In the great â€Å"Smog Disaster† in London in 1952, four thousand people died in a few days due to the high concentrations of pollution. Air pollution affects kids more than adults  because, for their body size, kids breathe more air and spend more time playing outside. More hazardous pollutants are discharged into the air each year than are released to surface water, ground water, and land, combined. Motor vehicles produce more air pollution than any other single human activity. One full commuter bus can mean 40 less cars going through your neighborhood. In America, vehicle exhaust contributes roughly 60% of all carbon monoxide emissions nationwide, and up to 95% in cities. Indoor air pollution and health Around 3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and leaky stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal. Nearly 2 million people die prematurely from illness attributable to indoor air pollution from household solid fuel use. Nearly 50% of pneumonia deaths among children under five are due to particulate matter inhaled from indoor air pollution. More than 1 million people a year die from chronic obstructive respiratory disease (COPD) that develop due to exposure to such indoor air pollution. Both women and men exposed to heavy indoor smoke are 2-3 times more likely to develop COPD Source: WHO Ozone Depletion: Losing Earth’s Protective Layer National Geographic The ozone layer is a belt of naturally occurring ozone gas that sits 9.3 to 18.6 miles (15 to 30 kilometers) above Earth and serves as a shield from the harmful ultraviolet B radiation emitted by the sun. Ozone is a highly reactive molecule that contains three oxygen atoms. It is constantly being formed and broken down in the high atmosphere, 6.2 to 31 miles (10 to 50 kilometers) above Earth, in the region called the stratosphere. Today, there is widespread concern that the ozone layer is deteriorating due to the release of pollution containing the chemicals chlorine and bromine. Such deterioration allows large amounts of ultraviolet B rays to reach Earth, which can cause skin cancer and cataracts in humans and harm animals as  well. Extra ultraviolet B radiation reaching Earth also inhibits the reproductive cycle of phytoplankton, single-celled organisms such as algae that make up the bottom rung of the food chain. Biologists fear that reductions in phytoplankton populations will in turn lower the populations of other animals. Researchers also have documented changes in the reproductive rates of young fish, shrimp, and crabs as well as frogs and salamanders exposed to excess ultraviolet B. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), chemicals found mainly in spray aerosols heavily used by industrialized nations for much of the past 50 years, are the primary culprits in ozone layer breakdown. When CFCs reach the upper atmosphere, they are exposed to ultraviolet rays, which causes them to break down into substances that include chlorine. The chlorine reacts with the oxygen atoms in ozone and rips apart the ozone molecule. One atom of chlorine can destroy more than a hundred thousand ozone molecules, according to the the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The ozone layer above the Antarctic has been particularly impacted by pollution since the mid-1980s. This region’s low temperatures speed up the conversion of CFCs to chlorine. In the southern spring and summer, when the sun shines for long periods of the day, chlorine reacts with ultraviolet rays, destroying ozone on a massive scale, up to 65 percent. This is what some people erroneously refer to as the â€Å"ozone hole.† In other regions, the ozone layer has deteriorated by about 20 percent. About 90 percent of CFCs currently in the atmosphere were emitted by industrialized countries in the Northern Hemisphere, including the United States and Europe. These countries banned CFCs by 1996, and the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere is falling now. But scientists estimate it will take another 50 years for chlorine levels to return to their natural levels. Clean Air Kids The Earth is wrapped in a blanket of air called the ‘atmosphere’, which is made up of several layers. About 19-30 kilometres above the Earth is a layer of gas called ozone, which is a form of oxygen. Ozone is produced naturally in the atmosphere. WHY DO WE HAVE AN OZONE LAYER? The ozone layer is very important because it stops too many of the sun’s ‘ultra-violet rays’ (UV rays) getting through to the Earth – these are the rays that cause our skin to tan. Too much UV can cause skin cancer and will also harm all plants and animals. Life on Earth could not exist without the protective shield of the ozone layer. WHAT IS THE OZONE HOLE? Every spring, a hole as big as the USA develops in the ozone layer over Antarctica, in the South Pole. A smaller hole develops each year over the Arctic, at the North Pole. And there are signs that the ozone layer is getting thinner all over the planet. Scientists have discovered that the ozone hole over Antarctica started in 1979, and that the ozone layer generally started to get thin in the early 1980s. The loss of the ozone layer occurs when more ozone is being destroyed than nature is creating. WHAT CAUSES THE OZONE HOLE? One group of gases is particularly likely to damage the ozone layer. These gases are called CFCs, Chloro-Fluoro-Carbons. CFCs are used in some spray cans to force the contents out of the can. They are also used in refrigerators, air conditioning systems and some fire extinguishers. They are used because they are not poisonous and do not catch fire. Most countries have now stopped using new CFCs that can be released into the atmosphere, but many scientists believe we must stop using old ones as well. THE OZONE HOLE AND OUR HEALTH The ozone layer is like a sunscreen, and a thinning of it would mean that more ultra-violet rays would be reaching us. Too many UV rays would cause more sunburn, and because sunburn causes skin cancer, this too would increase deaths. These UV rays are also dangerous for our eyes and could cause an increase in people becoming blind. That is why sun cream and sunglasses are very important. THE OZONE HOLE ON ANIMALS AND PLANTS UV rays can go through water and end up killing small water animals or  plants, called ‘plankton’ which form the base of the food chain in oceans and seas. Whales and other fishes have plankton as their main food, and if plankton die because of these UV rays, whales will start dying too, because they will not have anything to eat. Large amounts of UV rays could damage all green plants. If the ozone layer keeps getting thinner, there could be fewer and fewer plants on Earth, then there would be less food in the whole world. THE TWO-FACED OZONE GAS Ozone found between 19 and 30 kilometres high in the atmosphere is one of the reasons why we are alive on Earth. But when the gas ozone is found lower down where we can breathe it in, it becomes very dangerous for our health. This ozone is caused by a reaction between air pollution and sunlight and can cause modern-day smog. This is different to the smog that formed in the early 20th century from smoke and fog. What can you do: There are many things we can do to help reduce air pollution and global warming. Use buses and trains instead of cars, as they can carry a lot more people in one journey. This cuts down the amount of pollution produced. Walking or cycling whenever you can will be even better, as it does not create any pollution. It will also be good for your body, as regular exercise will keep you fit and healthy. If your parents must use the car, ask them to avoid using it for very short journeys if possible, as this creates unnecessary pollution. Try to encourage them to share their journeys with other people, for example when they go to work or go shopping. Also encourage them to drive more slowly as this produces less pollution and less carbon dioxide. Energy is produced to generate electricity and to keep us warm. Most energy is produced by the burning of fossil fuels, like coal, oil and gas, which release carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Fuel burnt in our cars also releases carbon dioxide. As an individual, you do not have a lot of control on how your energy is produced. However, you can control the way in which you use that energy. Using less energy means less of it needs to be produced. So less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. We can also help prevent pollution from our own homes which may contribute to acid rain and poor air quality, and increases emissions of carbon dioxide in the  atmosphere. Turning off lights when they are not needed and not wasting electricity will reduce the demand for energy. Less electricity will need to be produced and so less coal, oil and gas will have to be burnt in power stations, which means less air pollution and less carbon dioxide! Pollution formed indoors can be reduced by ensuring that all gas appliances are working correctly. Good ventilation will improve indoor air quality by dispersing biological pollutants like dust mite, and other pollutants such as cigarette smoke. Most of the rubbish we throw away can be recycled, such as glass bottles and jars, steel and aluminium cans, plastic bottles and waste paper. Recycling used materials uses less energy than making new ones. Composting fruit and vegetable waste reduces the amount of rubbish buried at rubbish dumps. What are the Governments doing? Governments throughout the world have already taken action for these different environmental problems (i.e. Acid Rain, Air Quality, Ozone Hole, Global Warming). In their plans they hope to reduce the amount of emissions of greenhouse gases produced by man. About half of the greenhouse effect is caused by our use of energy, especially from fossil fuels. Other sources of energy could be used which do not emit carbon dioxide, e.g. wind power, solar (sun power) and wave power. In the home and at school, we must learn to use energy efficiently and not waste it. Rain is very important for life. All living things need water to live, even people. Rain brings us the water we need. But in many places in the world even where you live, rain has become a menace. Because of pollution in the air, acid gases from factories, cars and homes, the rain is becoming dangerous for the life of every living creature. This rain is known as ‘acid rain’. WHAT IS ACID RAIN? Acid gases are produced when fossil fuels like coal and oil are burned in power stations, factories and in our own homes. Most of these acid gases are blown into the sky, and when they mix with the clouds it can cause rain – or snow, sleet, fog, mist or hail – to become more acidic. The opposites of  acid are alkalis; for example, toothpaste and baking powder are both alkalis. Strong alkalis can also be dangerous, such as ammonia and bleach. Lemon juice, vinegar and cola are all acidic. Rain is naturally acidic, but acid gases make it even more acidic, sometimes as acid as lemon! Nature can also produce acid gases, such as volcanoes. When they erupt, the smoke that comes out of the crater is also full of acid gases. HOW DO WE MEASURE ACIDITY? There is a special scale called the pH scale that measures the strength of acids and alkalis. A low pH number means something is acid. A high number means something is alkali. And something in the middle is called neutral. Acidity can be tested using litmus paper. Usually rain is a little acidic, and has pH of about 5.5, if the pH of rainfall is less than 5.5, then the rain is probably polluted by acid gases. Acids turn litmus paper red, and alkalis turn it blue. With a special paper called universal indicator, you can test levels of acidity. WHAT ARE THE MAIN GASES THAT CAUSE ACID RAIN? When we burn fuels, chemicals called ‘sulphur’ and ‘nitrogen’ are released into the air. Once in the air, they mix with water in the air – rain, snow, etc – and are transformed into different chemicals called ‘sulphur dioxide’ and ‘nitrogen oxides’, which can be very dangerous for plants, animals and people. Most of the ‘sulphur’ comes from power stations, which make electricity, and also from volcanoes. Most of the ‘nitrogen oxides’ come from car and truck exhausts. We call ‘air pollution’ the bad gases that we produce and release in the air. ‘Sulphur dioxide’ and ‘nitrogen oxides’ are the most important causes of acid rain. A PROBLEM ALL OVER THE WORLD Air pollution can be carried over long distances. When acid gases are released, they go high up in the sky, and then they are pushed by strong winds towards other countries. The acid rain in Sweden is caused by air pollution in Britain and other countries of Europe. The pollution produced in Britain ends up mostly in Scandinavia – countries in northern Europe  including Sweden, Norway and Denmark. In the USA, the winds blow the air pollution to certain areas in Canada. HOW BAD IS ACID RAIN? When rain is acidic, it affects what it falls on: trees, lakes, buildings and farmland. Sometimes rain is not very acidic and does not cause a lot of problems, but when it is acidic, it can be very harmful to the environment. TREES AND PLANTS Acid rain can have terrible effects on a forest. The acid takes away important minerals from the leaves and the soil. Minerals are like vitamins for trees and plants. Without them, trees and plants cannot grow properly. They lose their leaves and become very weak. They are no longer strong enough to fight against illnesses and frost. They become very ill and can even die. Some soils are alkaline, when acid rain falls on them the acid becomes neutral. Plants and trees living on these soils are not in any big danger.. LAKES AND WATER LIFE Acid rain has a terrible effect on water life. Even if the acid rain does not fall straight into the lake, for example, it may enter from rivers and streams. Some of the life in the lake such as fish and plants may end up dying, because they cannot survive in acidic lakes. Thousands of lakes in Scandinavia have no more life in them. They have received so much acid rain for so many years, because of the winds pushing the acid gases, that nothing can survive. You can recognise a lake dead from acid rain by its clean and crystal clear water. But they look clean because there is very little living in them anymore. Tiny plants and animals are mostly unable to survive.. OUR HEALTH Particulates – very small particles of debris found in some of the air pollution – are one of the main causes of health problems. In towns and cities, these are released mainly by diesel engines from cars and trucks. When we breathe in air pollution, these very fine particulates can easily enter our body, where they can cause breathing problems, and over time even  cause cancer. Water we drink from taps can be contaminated by acid rain, which can damage the brain.. BUILDINGS Acid rain can also ruin buildings because the acid eats into metal and stone. It also damages stained glass and plastics. Some types of building materials are softer than others, and it is the softer ones which are most affected by acid rain. Sandstone and limestone are examples of stone which are fairly soft and are damaged easily. Granite is an example of a harder stone that can resist the effects of acid rain. In many places in the world, ancient and famous buildings and monuments are affected by acid rain. For example, the Statue of Liberty in New York, USA, has had to be restored because of acid rain damage. Buildings are naturally eroded by rain, wind, frost and the sun, but when acidic gases are present, it speeds up the erosion.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Evard Munch’s “The Scream”

Analysis of Edvard Munch’s â€Å"The Scream† Just a few months ago, a painting by the famous Norwegian painter Edvard Munch titled â€Å"The Scream†, was sold in an auction for an unprecedented $120 million American dollars. Even at first glance, it is easy to notice why this artwork is so valuable and iconic. The vibrant colors used in the painting along with the emotions it conveys all stand out very distinctly. The screaming man’s expression, the colors, as well as the swirling motion of the sky, work together to invoke in its audience primal feelings.Initial impressions of the painting are often those feelings associated with the sublime, foreboding, angst, and a bit of terror, thrown in for good measure. All in all, this very famous expressionist piece of art is trying to express to its audience the absolute fearsomeness and awesomeness in nature. â€Å"The Scream† is a contrast between the vastness and majesty of nature and the insubstantialit y of mankind. â€Å"The Scream† was painted by Norwegian artist, Edvard Munch between 1893 and 1910 during the Expressionist period.According to Dictionary. com, expressionism is, â€Å" a style of art developed in the 20th century, characterized chiefly by heavy, often black lines that define forms, sharply contrasting, often vivid colors, and subjective or symbolic treatment of thematic material† (dictionary. com). During this period, artists such as Munch put heavy emphasis on perspectives of the individual as well as emotional angst. The painting itself was painted on a cardboard canvas with oils and is roughly 36 inches high by 28. inches wide. The size of the painting shows that the â€Å"screaming† figure in the foreground is very close to lifesize, which makes it the focal point of attention, and causes the audience to first notice the figure and its chilling expression followed by the stark contrasts of light and dark behind the figure, and it is here w here the painting derives much of its emotion. Behind the â€Å"screaming† man is a river which flows into the night, which bleeds into day.Munch’s use of light and dark colors seems to represent calm and anguish, respectively. In the background of the painting are two figures walking into the the horizon, not paying any mind to the blood-red sky nor the despairing man screaming on the bridge. The figures walking away could be seen as Munch’s emphasis on the individual’s perspective. The screaming man is the individual and he realizes both the benevolence and malevolence of nature and can do nothing but scream.The two featureless figures in the background could represent Munch’s expression of the group or group mentality, who are only concerned with their daily lives and are completely unaware of the daunting vastness of nature presented right before their eyes. Perhaps this is Munch’s way to describe how he feels about society as a whole. H e feels disconnected from the group as only he notices the horror about his surroundings. Only he sees the violence in the landscape. The direction of the painting seems to be counter-clockwise, originating from the screamer’s head.The reason for this could be that Munch was showing us that perhaps the â€Å"screaming† man is projecting his realities outward, as it spreads from the river to the bloodstained skies. According to the Art History Guide, â€Å"Munch suffered from agoraphobia, which could explain why the vast open space in the background gives the feeling of being overhwhelm[ed]† (Arthistoryguide. com). This would also explain the main figure’s expression of fear and anxiety. The reason why Munch painted this piece has been debated throughout the years.However, sometimes some explanations can be the most obvious ones. In an article found on Wikipedia, regarding the painting, it describes how Munch wrote, â€Å"†I was walking down the roa d with two friends when the sun set; suddenly, the sky turned as red as blood. I stopped and leaned against the fence, feeling unspeakably tired. Tongues of fire and blood stretched over the bluish black fjord. My friends went on walking, while I lagged behind, shivering with fear. Then I heard the enormous, infinite scream of nature. † (Wikipedia. org).Judging by the main figure’s pose, with his hands covering his ears in shock, one can assume that when he heard nature’s scream, it was deafeningly loud. The sheer intensity of the volume along with the traumatic experience of existential angst is what is, most likely, producing the look of terror on the main figure’s face. His facial expression is a very good translation of what Munch’s idea of absolute terror might be. The colors in the background support this idea further through Munch’s choice of powerful, expressive colors.The deep crimson hues give off a feeling of danger, paranoia, and anxiety while the dark blues relates to loneliness or sadness. The terror is further exemplified with the figures in the background, his â€Å"companions†, completely oblivious to the intense derangement the central figure is experiencing. Human beings have an innate need to be accepted or to belong, as such, the isolation, loneliness, and terror the screaming figure was exhibiting must have been so abstract and profound that it could only be expressed in â€Å"The Scream†.In summary, Edvard Munch’s masterpiece, â€Å"The Scream† is a painting that screams emotion. It was the style and composition that sparked the Expressionist movement in the late eighteenth century, which, in turn, evoked numerous other styles. With just one painting, Munch was able to portray an entire spectrum of human emotion ranging from calm to almost the violently sublime. It is no doubt that such a work was sold for a large fortune because of how iconic and breathtaking this pain ting is.It represents a distant memory of an expressive period of time in human history where not everything was soap dramas, commercials, and the internet. It represented a time of artistic inspiration, an understanding and observance of something truly monolithic and omnipotent, nature. Works Cited â€Å"Expressionism. † Dictionary. com. Dictionary. com, n. d. Web. 02 Jan. 2013. â€Å"The Scream by Edvard Munch: Art History & Picture of the Painting. † The Scream by Edvard Munch: Art History & Picture of the Painting. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Jan. 2013. â€Å"Edvard Munch. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 01 June 2012. Web. 03 Jan. 2013. Evard Munch’s â€Å"The Scream† Analysis of Edvard Munch’s â€Å"The Scream† Just a few months ago, a painting by the famous Norwegian painter Edvard Munch titled â€Å"The Scream†, was sold in an auction for an unprecedented $120 million American dollars. Even at first glance, it is easy to notice why this artwork is so valuable and iconic. The vibrant colors used in the painting along with the emotions it conveys all stand out very distinctly. The screaming man’s expression, the colors, as well as the swirling motion of the sky, work together to invoke in its audience primal feelings.Initial impressions of the painting are often those feelings associated with the sublime, foreboding, angst, and a bit of terror, thrown in for good measure. All in all, this very famous expressionist piece of art is trying to express to its audience the absolute fearsomeness and awesomeness in nature. â€Å"The Scream† is a contrast between the vastness and majesty of nature and the insubstantialit y of mankind. â€Å"The Scream† was painted by Norwegian artist, Edvard Munch between 1893 and 1910 during the Expressionist period.According to Dictionary. com, expressionism is, â€Å" a style of art developed in the 20th century, characterized chiefly by heavy, often black lines that define forms, sharply contrasting, often vivid colors, and subjective or symbolic treatment of thematic material† (dictionary. com). During this period, artists such as Munch put heavy emphasis on perspectives of the individual as well as emotional angst. The painting itself was painted on a cardboard canvas with oils and is roughly 36 inches high by 28. inches wide. The size of the painting shows that the â€Å"screaming† figure in the foreground is very close to lifesize, which makes it the focal point of attention, and causes the audience to first notice the figure and its chilling expression followed by the stark contrasts of light and dark behind the figure, and it is here w here the painting derives much of its emotion. Behind the â€Å"screaming† man is a river which flows into the night, which bleeds into day.Munch’s use of light and dark colors seems to represent calm and anguish, respectively. In the background of the painting are two figures walking into the the horizon, not paying any mind to the blood-red sky nor the despairing man screaming on the bridge. The figures walking away could be seen as Munch’s emphasis on the individual’s perspective. The screaming man is the individual and he realizes both the benevolence and malevolence of nature and can do nothing but scream.The two featureless figures in the background could represent Munch’s expression of the group or group mentality, who are only concerned with their daily lives and are completely unaware of the daunting vastness of nature presented right before their eyes. Perhaps this is Munch’s way to describe how he feels about society as a whole. H e feels disconnected from the group as only he notices the horror about his surroundings. Only he sees the violence in the landscape. The direction of the painting seems to be counter-clockwise, originating from the screamer’s head.The reason for this could be that Munch was showing us that perhaps the â€Å"screaming† man is projecting his realities outward, as it spreads from the river to the bloodstained skies. According to the Art History Guide, â€Å"Munch suffered from agoraphobia, which could explain why the vast open space in the background gives the feeling of being overhwhelm[ed]† (Arthistoryguide. com). This would also explain the main figure’s expression of fear and anxiety. The reason why Munch painted this piece has been debated throughout the years.However, sometimes some explanations can be the most obvious ones. In an article found on Wikipedia, regarding the painting, it describes how Munch wrote, â€Å"†I was walking down the roa d with two friends when the sun set; suddenly, the sky turned as red as blood. I stopped and leaned against the fence, feeling unspeakably tired. Tongues of fire and blood stretched over the bluish black fjord. My friends went on walking, while I lagged behind, shivering with fear. Then I heard the enormous, infinite scream of nature. † (Wikipedia. org).Judging by the main figure’s pose, with his hands covering his ears in shock, one can assume that when he heard nature’s scream, it was deafeningly loud. The sheer intensity of the volume along with the traumatic experience of existential angst is what is, most likely, producing the look of terror on the main figure’s face. His facial expression is a very good translation of what Munch’s idea of absolute terror might be. The colors in the background support this idea further through Munch’s choice of powerful, expressive colors.The deep crimson hues give off a feeling of danger, paranoia, and anxiety while the dark blues relates to loneliness or sadness. The terror is further exemplified with the figures in the background, his â€Å"companions†, completely oblivious to the intense derangement the central figure is experiencing. Human beings have an innate need to be accepted or to belong, as such, the isolation, loneliness, and terror the screaming figure was exhibiting must have been so abstract and profound that it could only be expressed in â€Å"The Scream†.In summary, Edvard Munch’s masterpiece, â€Å"The Scream† is a painting that screams emotion. It was the style and composition that sparked the Expressionist movement in the late eighteenth century, which, in turn, evoked numerous other styles. With just one painting, Munch was able to portray an entire spectrum of human emotion ranging from calm to almost the violently sublime. It is no doubt that such a work was sold for a large fortune because of how iconic and breathtaking this pain ting is.It represents a distant memory of an expressive period of time in human history where not everything was soap dramas, commercials, and the internet. It represented a time of artistic inspiration, an understanding and observance of something truly monolithic and omnipotent, nature. Works Cited â€Å"Expressionism. † Dictionary. com. Dictionary. com, n. d. Web. 02 Jan. 2013. â€Å"The Scream by Edvard Munch: Art History & Picture of the Painting. † The Scream by Edvard Munch: Art History & Picture of the Painting. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Jan. 2013. â€Å"Edvard Munch. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 01 June 2012. Web. 03 Jan. 2013.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Annoying Professors

Despite their degrees and supposed wisdom some professors just don’t know how to teach. Their wisdom and knowledge is found to be lacking when it comes to identifying what their students need help with and how to teach them. This leaves students annoyed frustrated and angry and wishing with all their might that the class would soon be over. The most annoying of professors who leave students in a state of frustration are, commonly the following three types: â€Å"The Confusing Babbler†, â€Å"The Know-It-All† and â€Å"The Useless Git†. The Confusing Babbler presents a major problem for most students. The Confusing Babbler enters the classroom prepared to lecture, his students sit dreading it. As he babbles on about history facts he confuses one with another, does not correct his mistakes and disagrees with the textbook leaving his students wondering is the textbook or professor right, why does what the professor said today contradicts what he said yesterday and why did they even bother buying the textbook at all. The Confusing babbler will finish his lecture oblivious to the looks of bewilderment on his student’s faces and will answer their questions with contradicting statements to his lecture which makes his students puzzled even more. The class will end, the students release a sigh of relief and go home and attempt to decipher and piece the lecture together and decode the course material. The Useless Git another type of annoying professor is known for his inability and useless attempts to effectively help his students. His lectures are long and boring, he assigns class work and homework, students turn it in and The Useless Git receives it, grades it and gives it back. Attempting to know what they did wrong or enlightenment of a broader understanding of the assignment the student asks The Useless Git questions pertaining to their work. The Useless Git answers the student’s question with generic statements he answers all student’s questions with, responses in generalities without going into detail. Corrects student’s papers by highlighting areas where he believes there are problems without fully explaining what the problem is and does not correct every problem in the student’s work leaving it up to the student to find the rest of the mistakes he’s left which, doesn’t work because the student has no idea whether what was done is wrong or not. The Useless Git in the eyes of students receives an F as a professor and has students wishing and praying that the class will soon end. The Know-It-All is the most annoying professor of the three. The Know-It-All is oblivious to his mistakes, refuses to be corrected, or accept opinions from anyone else. The Know-It-All knows every English Literature quote, knows how to write every essay perfectly and considers himself, knowing a better way than the textbook the class is given to work with. The Know-It-All will make several mistakes, answer questions incorrectly and still insist their right. If indeed the Know-It-All admitted to being wrong it would take half the class and half the class period to convince him. The Know-It-All is bored by his student’s opinions and believes his opinions are the only correct ones and all others are wrong or gently needs to be corrected for his liking. Students begin to feel what is the point of attempting to interject their opinions or write papers since the Know-It-All will regard himself as the only correct one and disregard anything they have to say or write. Obviously some teachers are excellent they are clear and precise in their teaching, help their students to great outcomes and believe even their students can teach them something. But on the whole college professors with their high degrees are an annoying bunch having learned nothing from when they were student’s what works or doesn’t, and believing that because they have already sat in their student’s chairs they know all there is to know and more than their student’s which is not always the case. College professors should remember the days when they were students in vivid detail and then perhaps they will become better teachers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Dupont Analysis Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Dupont Analysis Project - Assignment Example Adidas AG is on the other had a German MNC that designs and manufactures sports accessories and apparels. Adidas also produces shirts, watches, bags, eyewear, and other sports related accessories. The products of Nike can be categorized into seven key types namely, Basketball, Football or Soccer, Women’s Training, Running, Men’s Training, Nike Sportswear, and Action Sports. In addition to the products mentioned above the portfolio of Adidas also include products like Cricket, Tennis, Golf, Rugby, Lacrosse, Gymnastics, Skateboarding, and Hockey. The companies operate in a very competitive domestic and macroeconomic environment. This is apparent from the level of diversification strategies adopted by Adidas and Nike in order to reduce the level of competition. Both companies have also diversified their operations internationally and but still faces competition from other local and international firms like Puma. Rapid transition in technology and consumer preferences in market for athletic apparel and accessories posed considerable risk for business operations. Some of the specific identified risk factors are: The DuPont analysis can be used to analyse the inherent strengths and weakness of any firm as reflected from it’s publish financial statements. Basically, the analysis involves determination of three types of key ratios namely profitability, efficiency, and equity multiplier that estimates operating efficiency, asset utilization and financial leverage respectively. The DuPont analysis calculates the return on equity that is calculated using the following formula: Profitability- This ratio is a comprehensive measure of profitability that gives the rate at which the sales are being transformed into corporate profits at different levels of business operations. The profitability of Nike was higher than that of Adidas from 2010 to 2012. When profitability trends of both

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business Planning- ECO chair Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Planning- ECO chair - Assignment Example The group members plan to form a private limited company in making this echo chair in order to commercialize the idea in real market in the UK. The business is going to be funded 67% by the group members 33% by investors who are interested in our business. The mission of the business is to produce furniture that are environmentally friendly and use naturally available products that are cheaply available. The report presented the key elements of a conventional business plan such as production, marketing, profitability, and competitive advantages (Rumelt, 2011, p.66). The business concept of the group is based on environmental trends of concern to people’s daily life and the social importance of outdoor activates and events. The large printable surface of the chair can be a major strength in the commercialization process since it provides a special channel for advertising the product to the market. The process from market analysis to company financials guides the walk through the essential components of the plan. This includes how to come up with funding request or obtaining additional funds for the project (Vesper, 1996). These key elements of a business plan include product description, people involved in the project, marketing, and finance. The echo chair is a new and the unique product from the conventional innovative products. The concept is inspired by the need for environmental protection and use of natural renewable resources. The product developed by the group will use cheaply available renewable resources making it a viable idea. Initial production process of the product is to be outsourced to external manufacturers who will help with the design. This will help in reducing initial cost of establishing a manufacturing unit, human resource management, and equipments. In order to ensure quality control, the original materials for manufacturing the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Ethical and legal debate and implications of stem cell research Essay

Ethical and legal debate and implications of stem cell research - Essay Example certain that various solutions in terms of knowledge, skills, and awareness of long standing diseases will be found, as research done by Sandel (2004) reveals. Goals of stem cell research are highly acceptable in the biomedical field since it is very prolific and realistic using scientific based knowledge to enhance the medical field. The International Society for Stem cell Research (ISSCR) accepts and cultures ideas and proposals from stem cell scientists in an attempt to promote scientific research, knowledge development, and further education in this broad field. Besides encouraging use of accurate and precise use of stem cell research terminologies, the ISSCR actively takes part in educating researchers and the general population in appropriate usage of terms and meanings to avoid conflicting use of certain terms (Sugarman 2008). It also evaluates the importance of conducting stem cell research for a specific reason in the medical field. In an effort to streamline, the optimistic practice there must be several ethical and legal considerations otherwise the whole practice can be detrimental and demeaning to human life and rights (Doerflinger 2010). Ethics remains in connection to scientific and therapeutic importance as well as integrity while laws are concerned with patient’s accessibility to the services and safety; it is more of governmental responsibility to enact laws. Stem cell research has limited practice in most countries in the world with a few exceptions that meet the requirements and standards of undertaking the research. In United Kingdom for instance, stem cell research is crucial and the practice governing is via various legislations and ethical considerations. It has an elaborate and well-build regulatory scheme for stem cell research (Daley et al. 2007). Several reasons justify stem cell research in the UK, the Human Fertilization, and Embryology Act formed in 1990 and the recently formed Human Fertilization and Embryology

Vision Change Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vision Change Analysis - Research Paper Example The vision and mission of firms are intrinsic part of its strategic planning. Organizational vision is very important because it informs about the future perspectives of the organization and its future position in the industry. The organizational mission helps formulate the processes to achieve its vision. Application of vision concept to the strategic change initiatives is imperative because it helps to adopt proactive measure to meet the challenges of changing times. Application analysis The case study of Mentor Graphics Corporation clearly displays the need to adopt strategic change initiatives within the broader context of its vision. The company repeatedly changed its vision that it had developed for its future in 10 years’ time. Its initial vision that ‘it would build something that people would buy’ was quickly changed to ‘beat Daisy’ which had fast emerged as its rival in the industry. While the new vision was able to help the company in incre asing its revenue but unfortunately the company was deprived of its creative inputs and had stagnated growth. The company again adopted new vision under ‘six boxes’ that would help it to diversify and gain market leadership in six different areas of business.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Impacts of Immigration on Origin and Host Countries Research Paper

Impacts of Immigration on Origin and Host Countries - Research Paper Example This is because they are likely to move out of their native homes at one point in search of employment or for other reasons thus it is important that they understand the consequences of immigration. Immigration refers to the movement of individuals from their country or region to other countries that they are not native. In most cases, people move to other areas for the purpose of settling permanently. It is usually a result of a number of factors some of which include economic and political reasons, natural disasters or one’s willingness to change the environment. Immigration is also associated with both negative and positive impacts. On one hand, they may fill the workforce gap in the country they might have moved into that may have been created as a result of the aging population especially in the western countries. This is usually the case where Africans move to the western countries. On the other hand, the immigrants may influence the natives negatively by introducing culture in the new environment that could be detrimental to the culture of the country that they will have moved to. Studies indicate that immigration has been found to have negative impacts on the native population. Data 1: Research has shown that the majority of the immigrants consist of the young population that possesses high degrees in different domains. They usually move from their native homes especially those in the developing nations in search of job opportunities in the developed nations. Backing: In the developing nations, there is a little industrialization and thus high unemployment cases due as there is competition for the few jobs available. Individuals then move out of their countries and in turn this causes brain drain. This is because as they move out, the number of elite individuals decreases.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The importance of having enough knowledge about Testing Essay

The importance of having enough knowledge about Testing - Essay Example For this purpose, second language teachers must not only possess adequate knowledge of regarding appropriately ‘testing’ their students but also must have On the basis of my extensive research on the subject, I can safely state that ‘bilingualism’ and ‘testing’ are closely related – particularly in terms of second language studies. The accurate evaluation of a student’s performance entails the adoption of an appropriate method of testing. In the absence of such an awareness, the instructors may not be able to develop an effective test. There are various types of testing or assessment procedures. While evaluating the progress of a student in a certain skill, the teacher must develop an effective method of testing which is both reliable as well as valid.I lacked adequate knowledge regarding such crucial issues as ‘assessment’ and ‘testing’, and my experience as a second language teacher at various schools as well as at a university failed to offer the much-needed guidance and awareness on such issues. I encountered various difficulties in testing different levels of students. However, after participating in this course and the Practicum course, my knowledge and understanding of these crucial concepts have widened and helped me in appropriately evaluating the performance of my students irrespective of their levels. I strongly recommend this course to all the second language teachers who have too often deal with bilingualism and testing.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research Critiques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Research Critiques - Essay Example Questions asked of the students determined their understandings of plagiarism, the hardships they had to undergo to avoid plagiarism, and how they have learned to write without plagiarizing.iv Phase two concerned the development of learning materials. The materials developed were evaluated with undergraduate psychology students, some of whom had participated in Phase one. Much like the focus groups in Phase one, the number of sessions was determined by the data.v The latter phase then incorporated the student feedback into the design of the learning materials. The research design included a number of processes whereby feedback was ascertained from students and teaching staff, to ensure the applicability and usefulness of the materials and their responsiveness to students' needs. The results of the study stated in Phase one represented the students' understandings of plagiarism particularly on defining plagiarism, difficulties in writing to avoid plagiarism, strategies to avoid plagiarism, and student suggestions for course improvement. The results in Phase two represented the development and evaluation of the learning materials. Based on the findings three tutorials and a 'tip sheet' were developed. The Tip sheet provided students with a practical guide on the definition of plagiarism and suggestions for its avoidance when writing [for this particular subject, psychology].vi Information is outlined on the following six areas: time management, note taking, critical reading, paraphrasing, referencing, and practice. The researchers finally proposed learning materials that sees a number of advantages over alternate methods of plagiarism reduction: 1) The inclusion of the materials into an introductory unit is preventive rather than reactive; 2) Providing all students with materials as a component of the course is a universal rather than selective approach; vii 3) The materials can be easily adapted to alternative teaching modes of delivery such as print based external and online modes; 4) The materials can be incorporated into units without changing the assessment, official unit outlines, and so on; 5) Although the materials were developed for psychology students, the materials could be adapted to meet the needs of students in other schools and departments; and 6) Once the materials have been implemented into the course, their advantages can be sustained without further staff time commitment. The researchers said the same cannot be said for the provision of additional tutorials, workshops, and programs outside of class time. Article 2 Storch, J. B;Storch, E. A; &Clark, P. (2002, Nov/Dec). Academic dishonesty and neutralization theory: A comparison of intercollegiate athletes and non-athletes. Journal of College Student Development. Retrieved February 9, 2006 from: The purposes of this study were: (1) to examine the self-reported frequency of academic dishonesty in a sample of student

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Process for Implemenation of Supplier Development Strategy Essay Example for Free

Process for Implemenation of Supplier Development Strategy Essay Introduction Supply chain management adopts a systematic and integrative approach to manage the operation and relationship amongst different parties in supply chain one of the major issues is supplier development studies have investigated how quality management can be employer in supply chain management to influence performance in the whole supply network. (Mishra Rik, Patel G-Supplier Development Strategies, Data employment Analysis Business Intelligence Journal, January 2010 vol 3 No.1) There are 8 stages of implementation of supplier development 2.1 Identify critical commodities for development Managers must analyse their situation to determine whether Supplier development is important and if so which purchased commodities and services require the most attention. A corporate level executive steering committee must assess the relevant strategic importance of all goods and services that the company buys and produce a portfolio of critical commodities 2.2 Identify critical suppliers for development The managers must assess the performance of suppliers who supply commodities in the â€Å"strategic supplier category†. These commodities considered strategically important, as they might be difficult to substitute or purchase from alternative suppliers. 2.3 Form a cross-functional team A buyer must first develop internal cross-functional consensus for the initiative before approaching the supplies to ask for improvement such consensus will help to show a â€Å"unified front† and ensure that all buyer functions. 2.4 Meet with supplier’s top management team The buyer’s cross functional commodity team must approach the supplier’s top management group and establish three keys to supplier improvement, strategic alignment, supplier measurement and professionalism. 5 Identify opportunities and probability for improvement At these meetings with the suppliers executive should identify areas earmarked for improvement. Companies adopting a strategic approach to supply base development can usually agree upon areas or improvement .In some areas driven by final customer requirements and expectations. 2.6 Identify key projects After identifying promising opportunities of supplier development managers must evaluate them in terms of feasibility, resource and time requirements and potential return on investments. The aim is to decide what the goals should be and whether they are achievable. 2.7 Define details of the agreement After the potential improvement project is identified, the parties need to agree on specific merthies for monitoring its success. 2.8 Monitor status and modify strategies Manages must constantly monitor the progress and constantly exchange information to maintain momentum in the project. ( Accessed 15/09/2011) Different types Supply Chain relationships | |Transactional |Collaborative |Alliance | | |Relationships |relationships |relationships | |Communication |High potential for problems |Systematic approach to | | | |enhance communication | |Competitive |Low |High | |advantage |Independence | | |Connectedness |Little |Interdependence | |Continuous |Few | | |improvement | |A focus on | |Contributions to | | | |new product |Low |Many/early supplier | |development |Short |involvement | | |Reactive |Difficult/high impact | |Difficulty of exit |Price |Long | |Duration | Little or none |Proactive | |Expediting |Low |Total cost | |Focus | |High or total | |Level of integration |Many |High | |Level of trust |No | | |Number of |Incoming inspection | | |suppliers |Inward looking |One or few | |Open books | |Yes | |Quality | |Design quality into system | |Relations | |Concern with each other’s | | |Few/low skill level |well-being | |Resources |Minimal |Professional | |Service |No |Greatly improved | |Shared forecasts |Possible |Yes | |Supply disruptions |No |Unlikely | |Technology inflows |Tactical |Yes | |Type of interaction | |Strategic synergy | (Handfield RB; Monczka RM; Giunipero LC; Patterson JL. Sourcing and supply chain management; 2004 pg 123) Portfolio Analysis 4.1 Captive buyer Captive buyer relationship the supplier dominates the buyer and the buyer depends on the supplier. In these particular captive buyer relationships this dependence of the buyer is due to the unique intellectual property of the supplier. Because of this intellectual property the buyer has limited or no Substitutes to turn to creating a dependence on the supplier. Despite this dependence a high level of trust plays an important role in making this relationship fruitful for both parties. Apparently the dominance of the supplier is limited to the extent that the mutual trust stays intact. But the level of trust also has its limits from the supplier’s perspective. The supplier is not willing to trust the buyer with its intellectual property. The obvious reason for this is the risk that the supplier would lose its dominating position. Thus, the supplier has a special interest in maintaining its dominant position. The survey and interviews indicate that for captive buyer relationships the explanatory variables were the lack of substitutes, legal property rights and size of the supplier. Apparently the legal property rights of the supplier, and the resulting lack of substitutes, causes the buyer to depend on the supplier. These factors, combined with a supplier that is much larger than the buyer, results in a relationship that can be described as a captive buyer situation. ( ;Accessed 15/09/2011) 2 Captive Supplier Captive supplier relationship the supplier depends on the buyer and the buyer therefore overpowers the supplier. This unbalance of power can have one or a combination of factors: the size of the buyer and its market share but also the switching costs for the supplier contribute to the dependence of the supplier on the buyer. Despite the fact that the supplier has important intellectual property this is not sufficient to balance the level of power towards the buyer. To make this relationship a fruitful one cooperation and mutual goals are of great importance. Via these mutual goals the buyer does depend on the supplier to some extent, thus preventing the buyer from abusing its dominance over the supplier. For this reason, in a captive supplier situation the buyer will also invest (heavily) in the relationship but not to the extent that it loses it’s dominating position. While studying the captive supplier relationships, it became apparent that the Explanatory variables were market share, lack of substitutes, legal property rights, non-retrievable investments and the size of the supplier. These factors resulted in a captive buyer situation. Again the presence of legal property rights, this time of the buyer, causes the supplier to have limited or no substitutes. Furthermore the relationship involved significant non-retrievable investments for the supplier, making it even more difficult to switch to another buyer. Finally, the high market share of the buyer compared to the small size of the supplier was a significant factor. The net result of these explanatory variables is a captive supplier relationship. (; Accessed 15/09/2011) 3 Interdependent Supply Chain members Some kind of starting point is needed for identification of supply chains. For instance, an end product of some kind may be used for identification and analysis of the activity structure organised behind it. This is in line with the transvection concept coined by Alderson (1965, p. 92) who defines transvections as comprising all prior action necessary to produce this final result, going all the way back to conglomerate resources. This, however, entails a first important connection among chains as they typically merge in different stages within an activity structure where different parts of the end product are assembled, welded etc, tying different chains together successively (Dubois, 1998). Consequently, several different products (and thus also several chains, if defined by products) are involved in every supply chain resulting in some kind of end-product. Taking transvections, or end-product related structures, as a starting point we will further analyse the ways in which the activities and resources within supply chains are connected by analysin g how they are subject to the three forms of interdependence. ( ;accessed 15/09/2011) 5. Buyer /supplier relationship (Handfield RB; Monczka RM; Giunipero LC; Patterson JL. Sourcing and supply chain management; 2004) High Category Level Low Conclusion The concept of power should be at the centre of any study of buyer-supplier relationships. Power affects the expectations of the two parties over what commercial returns should accrue to them from a relationship. It also affects the willingness of the two parties to invest in collaborative activities. As important, it also affects the willingness of the two parties to share the costs of relationship-specific investments .It also affects the willingness of the two parties to share sensitive information. As a result, an understanding of the power relation which is often stable, with the relative stability should, from the point of view of the purchasing manager, inform both the supplier selection and the relationship management decision as he or she attempts to manage risk proactively. Bibliography 1. 2. 3. Mishra Rik, Patel G-Supplier Development Strategies, Data employment Analysis Business Intelligence Journal, January 2010 vol 3 No.1 4. Handfield RB; Monczka RM; Giunipero LC; Patterson JL. Sourcing and supply chain management; 2004 |1.Leaverage: |2.Strategic : | |Captive Supplier |Mutual dependence | |The buyer has power |Trust is necessary | |Trust may be lacking | | |3.Routine: |4. Bottleneck | |Mutual Independent |Captive buyer | |Trust not necessary |The Supplier has power | | |Trust may be lacking | LowHighBusiness Risk

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Brief History Essay Example for Free

Brief History Essay Iran, or what is formally called as the Islamic Republic of Iran, has a rich culture starting out since 8000 B.C. (Ladjevardian par. 2). The historic trends that transpired since then up to the present has had a lot to do with the political turmoil which the country has experienced. The economy and the culture of Iran were greatly influenced by these changes; wars within and outside the country were also great factors to the country’s history. The beginning of the 20th century had positive changes for Iran after centuries of different dynasties. The Pahlavi Dynasty during the 1920s, which was also the last dynasty to rule Iran, constructed road infrastructures and initiated land reforms; education was also opened for women during this time. In 1946, Iran had a taste of freedom from the Soviet Union and in 1951, passed a law to take the Oil industry from the British control (Ladjevardian par. 73). The country experienced a sudden economic growth in 1963-1973 and during this time that public and educational institutions were further improved. By 1973, Iran was earning about $20 billion a year (Ladjevardian par. 76) from its Oil revenues. The Supreme Leader’s determination to modernize Iran instantly, backed up by the rapid economic growth, created pressure on the administration which eventually led to economic turmoil such as inflation, corruption, and increase authoritarianism by the Supreme Leader. Moreover, numerous social and political problems continued to emerge that needed to be dealt with. In 1978, the economic growth of Iran slowed down; the Supreme Leader was overthrown and since then, the government of Iran became a theocratic republic; from 1980-1988, Iran fought against Iraq. The economic loss due to the war caused a lot of problems to Iran. Furthermore, the population of the country increased tremendously and has resulted to increase in unemployment. Communication and transportation and education and public institutions were also needed to be recovered. Iran’s Economy and Resources Iran remained to be a country dependent on its oil industry; its earnings comprise the 70% of its government revenues (Economy of Iran par. 1). Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased from 34M Iranian rial in 1990 to 1.7B in 2005, partly due to said industry’s earnings. The oil industry’s role to the economy of Iran proves to be of utmost importance since this is the main export of the country. It includes petroleum, chemical and petrochemical products; other exports of Iran are from their agricultural and service sectors products such as fruits and nuts, cars, carpet and technical services. Though Iran’s GDP increased tremendously over the years, the country’s economic problems such as inflation and unemployment remain to be the two most impediments to the country’s growth. Economic Issues Khalaji (par. 3) reports that inflation in Iran reached 19% in 2008. This figure was reportedly to have been due, in part, to the increasing corruption in the country. This puts the country in a difficult situation as inflation translates to increase in goods’ prices and corruption leads to more political and social chaos. The increase in the goods’ prices lead to more importation as goods from other countries appear relatively cheaper. Inasmuch as the said problem makes the country’s situation appalling, the unemployment problem further worsens it. This was due to the increasing population which has not been backed up with increase in job offerings. Iranians pursue to work outside the country instead leading to the reportedly brain drain. It has been said that the historic trends in Iran was greatly affected by the political turmoil in the country, and that economic and cultural changes were also affected by it. The economic issues in Iran have then put the country in a social dilemma. The oil industry is not enough to sustain the country’s needs. Iran’s lack of resources to provide for its citizens sustenance require importing from other countries. This is where the importance of trade comes in. Gross Domestic Product GDP of a country is an indicator of the economic growth. The national currency of Iran is Iranian Real (IRR). Since 1990 it has increased, with an average annual growth rate between 1990 and 2005 of 2.5% as seen in the figure 1. (Economy of Iran par. 1) It means that as time has passed, the economic growth of Iran improved. There were several factors that affected the growth of the Iranian economy. The paper will dwell more on the economic indicators on how the economy of Iran rose. The highest GDP growth rate was recorded into 2002, when there was a 7.1% growth rate. Its oil abundance is considered to be the main source of its growth. Being one of OPEC’s cartel members, it has the privilege to gain higher returns for its oil products. A big contributer to Iran’s GDP growth would be its strong domestic demand benefited the non-oil and manufacturing countries.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Cradle Will Rock Review Theatre Essay

The Cradle Will Rock Review Theatre Essay The show The Cradle Will Rock written my Marc Blitzstein is a piece of work that reflects the struggles and politics of its time. In researching this show and it original production, one has to also know about the events in history surrounding and affecting the lives of every-day Americans. Then one must realize how these experiences influenced and inspired the creativity and brilliance behind Blitzsteins vision and the creation of The Cradle Will Rock. It is in specific events of the nineteen thirties that sparked, what was for its time, a controversial incident in the history of theatre had never before transpired. When the Depression began Herbert Hoover was the President and then in 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President. Roosevelt, seeing his country in a state of decline, lunched what is referred to as The New Deal, a series of economic programs to get American back on its feet. One of these programs was The Works Progress Administration or the WPA which aimed to find jobs for the unemployed. The WPA consisted of five Federal One projects and the Federal Theatre Project or FTP was one designed for employment of out-of-work artists, writers, and directors, with the secondary aim of entertaining poor families and creating relevant art. Other event s that lead to important plot points of Blitzsteins The Cradle Will Rock where the forming of unions and labor strikes. In Scott Millers An Analysis of The Cradle Will Rock he writes: The political atmosphere in America in 1937 was ripe for a show like The Cradle Will Rock. In 1936 not a single employee at U.S. Steel belonged to a union, but by February 1937, just five months before Cradles premiere, the steel workers had unionized and forced U.S. Steel to sign a collective bargaining agreement. In response to this new movement, anti-labor organizations were springing up all over America. With all this going on Blitzstein felt the need to express the frustrations of the union workers, but the creation of The Cradle Will Rock first began with a single song call Nickel under the foot. It was performed for Bertolt Brecht a German poet, playwright, and theatre director. It was Brechts idea to take the song further into a full length show. Brecht said, Why dont you write a piece about all kinds of prostitution the press, the church, the courts, the arts, the whole system? (John Jansson) While he did not get to work on it right away the idea never left his mind. It was not until the death of his wife that he dove headfirst into the writing of the musical. It took him all of five weeks to complete his work of art, that of which he dedicated to Brecht. Troubles for Blitzstein came when it was time for him to find a company that would accept his piece. Many companies though it to be too sensitive a subject with the recent troubles in America and its large political statement, all in all for many it seemed too risky. But that would not stop Blitzstein in finding a way to get his play to the people; he would not give up his quest to make his message heard. A message many Americans needed to hear. The plot of The Cradle Will Rock as explained on Musical Heaven is as follows: Moll, a streetwalker in Steeltown USA is arrested and finds herself in Night Court witnessing the arraignment of The Liberty Committee, a handful of distinguished citizens who are opposed to organizing activities by the Steelworkers Union. In an ironic twist of fate, they have been mistaken for union organizers and arrested. A drunken vagrant, once a prospering pharmacist, explains to Moll how this minister, newspaper editor, doctor, college president, professor and artist have all sold their principles for money and power. The wealth and authority of Mister Mister, a leading industrial boss, has corrupted the city, and the process is also revealed in the committee members furtive dialogues and strained efforts for release. Ultimately the chief union organizer, Larry Foreman, is brought into court. An uncompromising and charismatic man, he exemplifies how one person can make a difference and gives hope to the bitter prostitute and druggist. When Steeltowns boss, Mister Mister, arrives at the courthouse to rescue his lackeys, he attempts to buy Foremans loyalties but is rebuked. At the conclusion, word arrives that other unions have joined with the Steelworkers struggle. Even the Liberty Committee, sensing the drift of things, abandons its rich patron. Mister Mister, cowardly and alone, realizes that working people have finally developed a backbone and that he has met his match. It was not until Orson Welles, an actor and theatre director who was working for the WPA at the time, had Blitzstein play it for producer John Houseman. This finally gave Blitzstein his big break. Houseman loved the concept and put it into production straightaway. With Orson Welles as the director the vision of the show started taking shape, perhaps it was a vision that Blitzstein was not expecting. Blitzstein believed in his characters two-dimensionality. He viewed them more as cartoon characters, larger than life. But with the direction of Welles he wanted a spectacle. As read in the article The Cradle that Rocked America Joseph Gustaitis writes: As director, Welles launched himself into The Cradle Will Rock with characteristic Wellesian style, promising Houseman a grandiose production that would be extremely elaborate and expensive. It was. Welles vision would expand to include a 44-member chorus, a 28-piece orchestra, and a set design that used large glass carts to shift scenes. (20) At this time The FTP, and its director, Hallie Flanagan began experiencing pressure from conservative congressmen. Although not directly some congressman had even enquired as to whether there was Communist Ideals in the FTP. It seemed that there would soon be budget cuts made in the WPA Federal theater program. On June 12 word from Washington came through that budget cut were indeed a reality. It read, any new production scheduled to open before July 1, 1937, must be postponed(Gustaitis). This news fell hard upon Welles and Housemen. They then hear news Actors Equity would not permit any of their members to appear on stage, and that the Musicians Union had imposed conditions making it impossible to have an orchestra in the pit (Jansson). They believed that they show would now never open. When they arrived at the Maxine Elliott Theater they found armed guards surrounding the entrance and a pad lock on the door. People in the streets gathered to see what all the commotion was all about. Seeing the crowd wells and housemen realized that, as the saying goes, the show must go on. All they needed was a venue and a piano, and since Blitzstein was not part of any union he could play, sing and act out all the parts. With the Venice theatre willing to open house to them for a small fee and the piano found and on its way, Welles song out to the crowd that The Cradle Will Rock will open as planned in the new location featuring Marc Blitzstein himself. The people gathered and begin to follow them some twenty blocks to the Venice Theater. Onlookers joined the parade, and the crowd grew larger. By nine oclock every one of the Venice theatres 1742 seats were filled (Jansson).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Machiavellian Folly in The Prince Essay -- Machiavelli The Prince Essa

Machiavellian Folly in The Prince      Ã‚  Ã‚   In the annals of history, many individuals have contributed great works of literature, waxing philosophically on the meaning of life, death, and love.  Ã‚   Niccolo Machiavelli wrote not on love or life, but on power:   How to capture it, how to consolidate it, and how to defend it against all comers.   His work has been talked about and dissected to the extent that his subject matter and methods have earned their own moniker:   Machiavellian.   Nonetheless, this great philosopher's works did not meet with unanimous approval.   His own student, Thomas Hobbes, presented a very different account of politics.   This essay offers a Hobbesian critique of some of Machiavelli's arguments, focusing in and around the ninth chapter of The Prince.   Although Machiavelli and Hobbes share many of the same views - like the moral depravity of the human character and the absence of natural justice - Hobbes differs from Machiavelli in three key respects:   The position of glory and honour, the role of competition, and the function of the state.    Hobbes and Machiavelli share the same understanding of human character.   Machiavelli wrote during a time when people believed in absolute moral virtue.   But as Machiavelli struck pen to paper, he rebelled from this norm.   Having criticized Christian doctrine in Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli proceeds in The Prince to outline a sinister, ruthless understanding of virtue.   Hidden deep within this dark design is his greatest contribution to modern politics:   Rationalism.1   Machiavelli was the first philosopher to employ a truly pragmatic approach to politics.  Ã‚   He examined human beings in light of their motives, their desires, and their fears.   While other philosoph... ...ts of the citizenry.    BIBLIOGRAPHY: Curley, Edwin [Ed.].   Hobbes, Thomas.   Leviathan.   Hackett Publishing Company, United States of America;   1994 Mansfield, Harvey C. [Trans.].   Machiavelli, Niccolo.   The Prince.   University of Chicago Press, Chicago;   1998    1 Sometimes referred to as Realism. 2 Pangle, Thomas.   Class Lecture.   Jan. 25, 1999 3 Mansfield, Harvey C. [trans]   Machiavelli, The Prince.   Ch. XVII.   P. 66 4 Curley, Edwin [ed.].   Hobbes, Thomas.   Leviathan.   P. 58 5 Mansfield, Harvey C. [trans]   Machiavelli, The Prince.   P. x 6 Curley, Edwin [ed.].   Hobbes, Thomas.   Leviathan.   P. 76 7 Ibid.   P. 78 ** Emphasis added in translation. 8 "Good" here refers to the conventional, Biblical and Aristotelian understanding. 9 Mansfield, Harvey C. [trans]   Machiavelli, The Prince.   P. 62 10 Ibid.   P. 71   

Life Changing Experience Essay -- Personal Narrative essays research p

Life Changing Experience   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Death. To people it means many different things. Some people may not think anything of it, until it strikes close to them. I know before I had my father pass away, I never thought once about it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I first heard of my dad dying, it made me sad. I was ten or eleven, not old enough yet to understand, why someone would want to take their own life. I was crushed when it happened. It was like a part of me was missing, like someone had ripped my heart out and laid a direct attack on me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I learned he had committed suicide it made me very angry. I kept thinking how could someone do that and hurt his whole family. Especially my brothers and I. I kept thinking how could someone be thinking for their self and not considering the effects it would ha...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Religion :: essays research papers

Indian Hindus will not be converted to Buddhism: Dalai Lama   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This article is regarding the Dalai Lama and his supposed act of encouragement to convert Hindus in Buddhist. These allegations were proven to be false after the Dalai Lama himself denied them. I think it is a very important factor that when choosing a religion or faith that no persons opinion but your own should decided what you decision may be. There are many violent attacks over this matter, which I can understand because it is very disrespectful to any practice. There is nothing wrong with spreading the word or practicing your own religion but once you start forcing opinion or beliefs on others it becomes unfair. God Save The Teens   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wow, this was an extremely interesting article. As I read it I mentally made a pro’s and con’s list and I came out with mixed reviews. This article is about a large and growing group of teens from places from New York, south Bronx to Long Island. They have found a new way to practice religion, they do it in the from of rap contests freestyle frenzies and â€Å"hip† sermons. This can be a very positive and productive situation considering that it is actually attracting many teens. Yet with terms used like and slogans like â€Å"I WOULD DIE TONIGHT FOR MY BELIEFS† and starting sermon off with â€Å"yo, God Bless, brother† I find it kind of disrespectful and offensive. Another popular belief among the groups is the way you come looking and dressed to a gathering. Dirty hair and ratty clothes aren’t frowned upon â€Å"you don’t have to comb your hair and put on a suit, God will accept you for that.† That may be t he case but have they ever heard of respect. John Paul’s Health Raises Fresh Concern: Vatican Law Doesn’t   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This article discusses important and touchy issues, there is obviously a problem with John Paul’s duties as the pope and it is raising some concern. As the pope is getting older he is developing health problems such as Parkinson’s diease. His health problems are affecting his decisions and behaviour, such as when shortly after thanking the head of the Armenian Orthodox Church he suddenly slumped down in a chair and an aide read the rest of the text. Unfortunately there are no documented rules that say if popes mentally of physically can’t do his job can have it taken away.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Criminal Law and Monster Essay

In the book Monster written by Walter Dean Myers, Steve Harmon is convicted of a felony murder. As a member of the jury in my eyes Steve Harmon is not guilty. Three reasoning’s behind my conviction are that they have no evidence that he was there at the time of the crime, there is no probable cause to link him to the crime, and all the evidence says he was not there.First reasoning is that they have no evidence that he was there. The only evidence that they have is the other convicted characters saying he was a â€Å"look out†, but there was someone in the store when he left. So with that being said he wasn’t really a look out because he didn’t make sure there wasn’t anyone in the store and the lady in the store didn’t say she saw him.Second, there wasn’t any probable cause to link him to the case, the only thing that linked him to the case was that he knew the people that committed the crime. Also Steve didn’t get anything that was stolen from the store. That led me to believe that he wasn’t part of it because if he was part of it he would have gotten either money, smokes or anything else they took.Last, all the evidence says he was not there. There wasn’t any one saying he was there. The only people who said he was there are the people that were getting a â€Å"break† and they were told the situation. Some of the convicted didn’t even know who Steve was. This led me to believe he was innocent.In the book Monster written by Walter Dean Myers, Steve Harmon is convicted of a felony murder. As a member of the jury in my eyes Steve Harmon is not guilty. The reasoning’s behind my conviction are that they have no evidence that he was there at the time of the crime, there is no probable cause to link him to the crime, and all the evidence says he was not there. All this together made me vote not guilty.